Strategic Consulting & Coaching

Builds sound execution pathways with the Anchor 7-Ps-Exeuction Model.

The viability and success of any strategic planning process are to build it with two sets of stakeholders in mind—customers and employees.  We use a 7Ps approach to advice and direct our clients in the areas of strategic planning:

  1. Develop or strengthen the strategic Plan
  2. Align and evolve Product offering to needs of the market
  3. Highlight and provide recommendations to streamline critical Process to enhance quality care delivery
  4. Align and train your People to increase productivity and optimize service delivery
  5. Engage and activate the right strategic Partnerships to improve access to your customer and advance the quality of your infrastructure to offer more value to customers
  6. Develop clear metrics to track the Precision-of-Performance
  7. Engage a mindset that will allow the organization to Pivot as is needed
Anchor Group